# Differential

Build, Deploy and Refactor fault-tolerant back-end apps without the ceremony.

Differential is an open-source application code aware service mesh (control-plane) and a set of adapters (client libraries) which connects your services together with first-class support for Typescript. ‍ Differential is a framework that builds on the concepts developers are already familiar with.

Services are collections of plain old javascript functions which can be deployed in almost any compute. Services ship their own type-safe Typescript clients.

The control plane takes care of routing data between the functions, and recovering from transient failures, transparently.

# Open Source and Self-Hostable

Differential is released under the Apache 2.0 license, and can be self-hosted. This means you can run your own control-plane, and have full control over your data and infrastructure. Optionally, you can use Differential Cloud, which is a fully managed offering that we are working hard to make generally available. Sign up for the waitlist here.

# Quick Start

Follow the Quick Start guide to get up and running with Differential in under 2 minutes.

# See Also: